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7 Creative Ways to Reply to Hey on Tinder

So you’ve matched with someone on Tinder and they said “Hey” – now what? You want to stand out from the crowd, make a good impression, and start an interesting conversation. But how do you do it without coming off as cheesy or desperate? Fear not! In this article, we’ll provide some tips on how to reply to “hey” on Tinder in a way that will get your match talking and keep them interested. From clever quips to creative questions, you’ll find something to break the ice and take your conversations to the next level. Ready to learn how to be a Tinder pro? Let’s dive in!

Replying to "Hey" on Tinder

We’ve all been there. You’re swiping through your matches, and suddenly you come across one that says "hey". What do you do? Well, it depends. If you have a good feeling about this person, then replying can be an exciting opportunity to start something special. But if not, then you might want to think twice before sending them a message.

In either case, here are some tips for how to reply to “hey” on Tinder:

Keep It Simple

The first thing to remember is to keep it simple. Don’t overthink it. A simple “hey” back or a casual greeting like “what’s up?” will usually suffice. This shows that you’re interested in the conversation but aren’t too eager to jump into anything serious.

Ask Questions

Asking questions is always a great way to show interest and keep the conversation going. Try to ask questions that require more than just a yes or no answer. For example, instead of asking “Do you like dogs?” try asking “What kind of dog do you have?” This gives the other person the opportunity to share something about themselves, which is always a good sign.

Make It Personal

It’s also important to make sure your response is personal. Instead of simply saying “hello”, try adding something specific to your message such as “I noticed you like hiking, what’s your favorite trail?” This will let the other person know that you actually read their profile and are interested in getting to know them better.

Show Humor

Humor is always a great way to break the ice and show that you’re confident and comfortable with yourself. Try making a joke or using sarcasm to lighten the mood. Just make sure it doesn’t come off as offensive or insensitive.

Use Emojis

Emojis can be a great way to add a bit of fun to your messages. They can also help convey emotions that may be hard to put into words. Just make sure you don’t overuse them, as they can quickly become overwhelming.

Avoid Negativity

When responding to someone on Tinder, it’s important to avoid being negative. Complaining or insulting the other person won’t get you anywhere and could even lead to them unmatching you. Instead, focus on keeping the conversation positive and upbeat.

Be Confident

Finally, it’s important to remember to be confident when replying to someone on Tinder. Being overly timid or self-conscious can be a turnoff, so try to stay relaxed and be yourself.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to respond to “hey” on Tinder in a way that is both friendly and engaging. Good luck!

“Witty Responses to ‘Hey’ on Tinder: Get the Conversation Started!”

  1. Keep it light and fun: A simple “hey” is an easy way to start a conversation, so make sure you reply with something equally as casual and friendly.
  2. Show interest: Ask them about their interests or hobbies, and share some of your own. It’s always good to show genuine interest in the other person right away.
  3. Ask questions: Asking questions is a great way to get to know someone and keep the conversation going.
  4. Be honest: Don’t be afraid to be yourself and let your personality shine through. Being honest will help you build trust and connection with your match.
  5. Use humor: Adding a little bit of humor to your conversation can make it more engaging and enjoyable for both of you.
  6. Stay positive: Try to stay positive throughout the conversation and avoid topics that could lead to arguments or debates.
  7. Make plans: Once you’ve had a few conversations, suggest making plans to meet up in person. This will give you the chance to see if there’s chemistry between you two.

Say Hey Back with Style

So there you have it, folks! Whether you’re looking to start a conversation or keep it going, the best way to reply to “Hey” on Tinder is with something that shows you’ve read their profile and are interested in them. Ask a question, make a joke, or just tell them what you like about them. Just remember, keep it light-hearted and don’t take yourself too seriously. After all, the whole point of dating apps is to meet new people and have fun. So go out there, be yourself, and enjoy your online dating experience. Who knows? You might even find love.


1. What should I say if someone says “hey” on Tinder?

Hi there! How’s it going? What are you up to today?

2. How can I start a conversation on Tinder?

Hey there! What’s up? How’s your day going so far?

3. What is the best way to respond to a message on Tinder?

Be genuine, be yourself, and keep it light-hearted. Ask a question back to show you’re interested in getting to know them better.

4. Should I use emojis when replying to someone on Tinder?

Sure! Emojis can be a great way to express yourself and show your personality. Just make sure you don’t overdo it – too many emojis can come across as a bit cheesy. Have fun with it!

Michael Cox

Michael Cox is an online dating expert who has dedicated his life to helping people find love. With a background in psychology and sociology, Michael's passion for understanding relationships led him to become one of the most sought-after experts on all things related to modern romance. Having experienced first hand the struggles that come with finding someone special, Michael was inspired by his own journey towards true love and decided he wanted others to have similar success stories as well. To this end, he created reviews of various dating sites and apps which provide valuable insight into how they work so users can make informed decisions about their romantic prospects before signing up or downloading anything new. In addition to being a regular contributor at leading publications such as The Huffington Post and Elite Daily where he offers advice on topics ranging from relationship building tips through navigating breakups; Michael also holds seminars around North America teaching individuals how best use digital platforms when looking for companionship - both platonic or otherwise! He even hosts live events where attendees are given personalized coaching sessions tailored specifically toward their needs – making sure everyone leaves feeling more confident than ever before when it comes time for them hit those virtual singles scenes again!

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