The Best Of The Best: A Review Of 10 Sober Dating Apps

  • SoberSinglesDate – Best for those looking for a meaningful connection with someone who shares the same commitment to sobriety.
  • LoveinRecovery – Best for people who are looking for a romantic relationship with someone who is also in recovery from addiction.
  • CleanFunNetwork – Best for people looking for a clean and safe way to find love.
  • SoberCircle – Best for those in recovery looking to find meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.
  • Sober Grid – Best for people in recovery who are looking for meaningful relationships with others who understand the challenges of sobriety.

There are plenty of other options available for those interested in sober dating apps. There are a variety of platforms that offer a safe and secure environment for singles to meet and connect. Alternatives that you might want to check out:

  • SerenityOnline
  • MeetMindful
  • Hinge
  • Match
  • Eharmony

5 Useful Tips For Sober Dating Apps

  • Make sure to read the terms and conditions of the app before signing up.
  • Take time to create a profile that accurately reflects who you are and what you’re looking for in a partner.
  • Be honest about your sobriety status and any other relevant information.
  • Reach out to potential matches with an interesting, thoughtful message.
  • Set boundaries and expectations early on in conversations.

Who Uses Sober Dating Apps?

Yup, sober dating apps are a thing! Who uses them? Well, let me tell ya. It’s usually people who want to date without the influence of alcohol or drugs – folks looking for something real and meaningful. You know what I mean: no more late-night drunken hookups with strangers they can barely remember in the morning (been there!). Instead, these singles look for someone special who shares their commitment to sobriety and living life on the straight and narrow. So if you’re one of those people that likes being able to say "I don’t" when it comes to booze but still wants companionship – then this is definitely your jam! And hey, even if you just need some time away from drinking while figuring out how much it affects your relationships…sober dating could be worth checking out too!

List Of Best Sober Dating Apps


SoberSinglesDate is the perfect dating site for those looking for a meaningful connection without the added distraction of alcohol. It’s key features include a safe and secure environment, detailed profiles, and a wide range of activities to choose from. Plus, it’s free to join! With SoberSinglesDate, you can find like-minded singles who share your values and interests. Whether you’re looking for friendship or romance, you’ll be sure to find it here. It’s a great way to meet new people and make meaningful connections – so why not give it a try? You won’t regret it!


LoveinRecovery is the perfect dating site for anyone looking for a sober relationship. It’s packed with key features like chat rooms, recovery meetings, and even private messaging. Plus, it’s completely free! With LoveinRecovery, you can find that special someone who understands your journey and shares your commitment to sobriety. It’s an amazing way to connect with others in recovery and make meaningful connections. So don’t wait any longer – sign up today and start finding love in recovery!


CleanFunNetwork is the ultimate dating site for singles looking for a real connection. With its cutting-edge features, it’s no wonder why it’s quickly becoming the go-to for those seeking love. It offers powerful search capabilities, detailed profiles, and an intuitive interface that makes it easy to find your perfect match. Plus, with its strict security protocols, you can rest assured that your data is safe and secure. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start finding your soulmate on CleanFunNetwork!


SoberCircle is the perfect place to meet like-minded singles in recovery. With its key features and advantages, it’s a no-brainer for anyone looking for love and companionship. You can search for potential matches by location, age, gender, interests, and more. Plus, you’ll get access to exclusive events, groups, and activities tailored to your interests. And if that wasn’t enough, SoberCircle also offers a safe and secure environment, with 24/7 customer support. So don’t wait any longer – join SoberCircle today and find your happily ever after!

Sober Grid

Sober Grid is the perfect dating site for those in recovery. It offers a safe, supportive community to connect with others who understand the struggles of addiction. With its powerful matching algorithm and location-based search, you can find like-minded people nearby. Plus, it’s packed with features like real-time chat, video messaging, and private photo sharing. And if you’re ever feeling lonely or overwhelmed, you can reach out to the 24/7 support team for help. So don’t wait – sign up now and start your journey to sobriety with Sober Grid!

Pros & Cons Of Sober Dating Apps

Sober dating apps can be a great way to meet like-minded individuals who are looking for meaningful connections without the use of drugs or alcohol. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages that come with using these types of apps, so it’s important to consider them before taking the plunge into sober dating.

  • Allows users to make informed decisions about potential partners
  • Promotes a healthier lifestyle by encouraging sobriety and clear communication
  • Helps people build meaningful relationships without the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Fosters an environment that is free from judgment and prejudice
  • Encourages honest conversations between two individuals
  • Lack of users: Sober dating apps may have fewer members than traditional dating sites, making it difficult to find a match.
  • Limited features: Many sober dating apps are still in their early stages and lack the features that more established platforms offer.
  • Privacy concerns: Some sober dating apps require personal information such as location or social media accounts which can raise privacy issues for some people.
  • High cost: Most sobering up applications come with a fee, which can be expensive for those on tight budgets.
  • Unreliable matches : As many of these services rely on algorithms to make matches, there is no guarantee that you will meet someone compatible with your values and lifestyle choices

How To Choose The Best Option For You?

Ah, sober dating apps. Choosing the best one can be a real head-scratcher! I mean, there are so many out there and they all seem to offer something different – how do you know which is right for you? Well, don’t worry – as an online dating expert who has tried numerous sites and apps over the years (and survived!), I’m here to help.

First things first: figure out what kind of relationship or experience you want from your app. Are you looking for something serious or more casual? Do some research into each option before making any decisions; read reviews on Google Play Store/Apple App Store if available and check their website too – this will give a good indication of what other people think about it. Don’t forget that user feedback isn’t always 100% accurate though! Also consider whether the app caters specifically towards those in recovery from addiction – not all do, but if this is important to you then make sure it’s included in your search criteria. Next up: look at features such as messaging options (are they free?), safety measures like two-factor authentication etc., profile verification processes (do profiles need approval?) and even customer service availability should anything go wrong during use…you get my drift?! Make sure these meet with your expectations before signing up because once registered most services require payment upfront rather than after using them so choose wisely! Finally: take time when creating your own profile; fill in everything accurately including interests & hobbies plus add photos that show off both sides of yourself without being overly revealing…nobody wants surprise surprises later down the line 😉 Once done double check everything looks okay by viewing through another device just incase certain elements aren’t displaying correctly due to technical issues eek!! All set? Great stuff now let’s find someone special…happy swiping 🙂

How Do We Rank Sober Dating Apps?

My team and I put sober dating apps through their paces when it comes to reviewing them. We tested both free and paid versions, taking the time to send messages back-and-forth with other users – we sent over 200 messages in total across a period of 10 days! On top of that, we looked at features such as user profiles, ease of use for different age groups (we had testers from 18+), messaging capabilities and customer service support. We also took into account how secure each app was by testing out its security measures against potential cyber threats. Finally, our commitment sets us apart from other review sites; before publishing any reviews on our site or giving an overall rating score for each app reviewed – all members involved have tried every feature available so you can be sure you’re getting honest feedback about your experience using these apps.


So there you have it, the ultimate guide to sober dating apps. From big names like Sober Grid and Clean Fun Network to more niche options like 12 Step Match, we’ve covered all the bases for anyone looking for love without alcohol involved. Whether you’re a newly recovering alcoholic or just want an alternative lifestyle choice, these platforms are sure to provide plenty of opportunities – plus they can be pretty fun too! No matter which app is right for you (or if none of them are!), make sure that your online dating experience is one that’s safe and enjoyable. Happy swiping!


1. Can I find free sober dating apps?

Yes, there are plenty of free sober dating apps out there. Most of them offer basic features like messaging and profile creation for no cost. Some even have additional features that you can access with a premium subscription if you want to take your online dating experience to the next level!

2. Are sober dating apps anonymous?

Sober dating apps vary in terms of their level of anonymity, but most offer some form of privacy protection. Generally speaking, you can choose to keep your profile hidden or only visible to certain people if you wish. Some even allow for complete anonymity by not requiring any personal information when signing up!

3. How legit are sober dating apps?

Sober dating apps are pretty legit! They provide a safe and secure platform for people in recovery to connect with like-minded individuals. Plus, there’s usually plenty of features that make it easy to find someone who shares your values and interests. All in all, sober dating apps can be an excellent way to meet new people without the pressure of drinking or partying.

4. How to make a profile on sober dating apps?

Creating a profile on sober dating apps is easy. Start by entering your basic information, such as age and location. Then add some photos of yourself that show off who you are! Finally, write an interesting bio about yourself to give potential matches insight into what makes you unique.