Home » ONE Night in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

ONE Night in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

  • Easy to use interface
  • Quick and convenient way to meet people
  • Variety of filters to find the perfect match
  • Limited number of potential matches in certain areas
  • Not enough user feedback to get a good sense of who you’re talking to
  • Matching algorithm can be unreliable at times

Are you ready to find your perfect match? Looking for a dating app that will make it easier to find someone special? Well, look no further than ONE Night! This innovative dating app is designed to help you meet the person of your dreams. So, what’s the verdict? Is ONE Night worth your time and effort? Let’s dive in and find out!


When it comes to dating apps, ONE Night is like the middle child of the family – not the most popular, but still an okay choice. It’s not the most feature-packed app out there, but it does offer some decent options for those looking for a casual fling. The interface is easy to use and the profiles are detailed enough to give you a good idea of who you’re talking to. Plus, it’s free, so you can’t really go wrong! All in all, if you’re looking for something low-key and not too serious, ONE Night could be just the ticket.

How Does ONE Night Work?

ONE Night is a dating app that provides users with the opportunity to find potential matches. It works by connecting users with people who have similar interests and backgrounds. The app uses a matching algorithm to match users based on their interests, age, location, and other criteria.

Once users create an account, they can begin browsing through profiles of potential matches. Users can filter their search results by gender, age, location, and other criteria. They can also use the “swipe” feature to quickly browse through potential matches. If two users both swipe right on each other, they will be connected and can start chatting.

However, ONE Night is not a good option for those looking for a serious relationship. The app does not provide any sort of background checks or verification process, which means that users may not be who they say they are. Additionally, the app does not offer any kind of safety features or support system for users who may feel uncomfortable or unsafe while using the app.

Overall, ONE Night is a convenient way to meet new people, but it is not suitable for those looking for a serious relationship.


ONE Night is a popular dating app that allows users to find potential matches in their area. Unfortunately, ONE Night does not have a website version. This is likely due to the fact that most of the features available on the app are better suited for a mobile platform.

The main advantage of using the app over a website is that it is more convenient and user-friendly. The app has a simple interface that makes it easy to navigate and use. It also has a variety of features such as location-based search, messaging, and profile customization. Additionally, the app allows users to quickly connect with potential matches without having to wait for a response from a website.

However, there are some drawbacks to using the app instead of a website. For example, the app can be slow and unreliable at times, which can make it difficult to find matches. Additionally, the app does not have all of the features available on the website, such as advanced search options and detailed profiles. Furthermore, the app does not allow users to view other users’ profiles or send messages unless they have already matched with them.

Overall, while ONE Night does not have a website version, it still offers many of the same features as the website. The app allows users to quickly find potential matches in their area and easily connect with them. However, the app does not offer all of the features available on the website, so users may want to consider using both the app and the website for the best experience.

ONE Night features

ONE Night offers both free and paid features, making it an attractive option for users looking to find a connection. The free version of the platform includes access to basic search functions, messaging, profile creation, and other basic features. For those looking for more comprehensive options, the premium version provides access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and the ability to view who has liked your profile. Additionally, ONE Night offers unique features such as the “Quick Match” feature, which allows users to quickly match with someone based on their preferences.

In terms of pricing, ONE Night offers a variety of subscription plans. Users can choose from monthly, quarterly, or annual subscriptions, all of which come with varying levels of access to the platform’s features. The monthly subscription is the most affordable option, costing $9.99 per month. This plan grants users access to all of the platform’s features, including the “Quick Match” feature. The quarterly subscription costs $19.99 per quarter and offers the same features as the monthly subscription. Finally, the annual subscription costs $59.99 per year and also offers the same features as the monthly and quarterly plans.

For those looking for even more value, ONE Night also offers a “Lifetime” subscription. This plan costs $149.99 and grants users lifetime access to all of the platform’s features. Additionally, the Lifetime subscription includes exclusive discounts on select services offered by ONE Night.

Overall, ONE Night offers a variety of subscription plans that are tailored to meet the needs of different users. Whether you’re looking for a basic subscription or a more comprehensive plan, ONE Night has something to offer. With its unique features, competitive pricing, and wide range of subscription plans, ONE Night is an excellent choice for those looking to find a connection.

  • Ability to match with people nearby
  • Ability to send messages and photos
  • Ability to filter potential matches by interests, age, location, etc.
  • Anonymity options for added privacy
  • Option to create custom profile fields

Signing up

ONE Night is a dating app that requires users to register before they can start using the service. The registration process on ONE Night is relatively straightforward and simple.

The first step of the registration process is to provide basic information such as name, age, gender, email address, and password. It is important to note that the minimum required age to register on the website is 18 years old. After providing this information, users will be asked to create a profile. This includes uploading a profile picture, writing a short bio, and selecting preferences for their ideal match.

Once the profile is complete, users will be asked to verify their account by entering a code sent to their email address. After verifying their account, users can start browsing other profiles and sending messages.

The registration process on ONE Night is free of charge. However, the website does offer additional features for a fee. These features include unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and seeing who has viewed your profile.

Overall, the registration process on ONE Night is easy to follow and should not take more than a few minutes to complete. Once registered, users can start exploring the website and its features.

  • These are the items you will need to register on ONE Night:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your age and gender
  • A profile picture
  • Your location
  • Your interests and hobbies
  • An optional bio

Design & Usability

ONE Night has a sleek and modern design with its black, white, and red color scheme. The interface is user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy to navigate the app and find what you need. There are helpful tutorials and instructions for new users, so even those who are unfamiliar with dating apps can quickly get up to speed. The search function allows users to easily filter through potential matches based on their preferences.

The overall look of ONE Night is simple and straightforward, with no unnecessary clutter or distractions. This helps to keep the focus on finding the right match. The profile page is well organized and provides plenty of information about each user, including photos, interests, and more. This makes it easy to find someone who shares your interests and values.

For those who want an even better experience, there is a paid subscription option. This includes access to additional features such as advanced search filters, priority messaging, and unlimited likes. There are also UI improvements such as larger profile pictures and improved navigation.

Overall, ONE Night’s design is clean and modern, with a focus on usability. It is easy to use and understand, even for those who are new to dating apps. The paid subscription offers additional features and UI improvements, making it even easier to find the perfect match.

Help & Support

Users of ONE Night can access support by submitting a request via the in-app help center. The response time for support requests varies depending on the nature of the query, but users should expect to receive a response within 24 hours.

The ONE Night app also has a page dedicated to frequently asked questions (FAQs). This page provides answers to some of the most common queries that users have about the app. It is worth checking this page before submitting a support request as it may provide an answer to the user’s query.

I have contacted ONE Night support a couple of times and the response was good. However, I did find that it took a while to get a response. On one occasion, it took over 48 hours for me to receive a reply.

In order to submit a support request, users must first log into their account. Once logged in, they can select the ‘Help Center’ option from the menu. This will open up a list of categories which the user can select from. After selecting the relevant category, the user can then enter their query and submit it.

If users require more urgent assistance, they can contact ONE Night support via email or telephone. The email address and telephone number are available on the ONE Night website.

Overall, ONE Night provides users with a range of options for accessing support. Whether it’s through the FAQs page, submitting a request via the help center, or contacting support directly, users should be able to get the help they need.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating. It is important for users to feel safe and secure when using a dating app, so they can trust that their personal information is being handled responsibly.

ONE Night is a dating app that takes safety and security seriously. The app has several verification methods in place to ensure the authenticity of its users. This includes verifying user identity through email or phone number, fighting against bots and fake accounts, and offering two-step verification. Photos are also manually reviewed by moderators to ensure that only appropriate content is shared on the platform. In addition, ONE Night has a strict privacy policy that outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used.

Despite these measures, there are still some areas where ONE Night could improve its safety and security. For example, the app could offer more options for two-step verification, such as biometric authentication. Additionally, the app could implement a system that flags suspicious activity and automatically blocks users who are found to be engaging in suspicious behavior. Finally, the app could provide more detailed information about its privacy policy, such as what data is collected and how it is used.

Overall, ONE Night takes safety and security seriously and provides several features to ensure the authenticity of its users. However, there are still some areas where the app could improve its safety and security measures. By taking additional steps to protect its users, ONE Night can ensure that its users feel safe and secure while using the app.

User Profiles

ONE Night profiles are public and can be viewed by any user of the app. It is not possible to set a custom bio, but users can provide information about themselves such as their age, gender, and interests. Location info is also included in the profile, however, it is possible to hide this information if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users on ONE Night, so it is up to them to decide how far they are willing to travel for a date.

Premium subscription profiles have access to additional features such as unlimited likes, access to advanced filters, and the ability to see who has liked them. They also have access to a ‘VIP’ badge which will appear on their profile, making them more visible to other users.

ONE Night does not have a lot of fake profiles, however, it is important for users to be vigilant when interacting with other users. The app provides safety tips and encourages users to report any suspicious activity.

Overall, ONE Night profiles are designed to give users an insight into each other’s personalities and interests, while also providing a safe and secure platform for users to connect.


ONE Night offers a variety of pricing options, ranging from free to paid subscriptions. The free version of the app allows users to browse profiles and send messages, but limits the number of messages that can be sent per day. The paid subscription offers unlimited messaging, as well as access to advanced features such as “likes” and “super likes”. The prices for the paid subscription are competitive compared to other dating apps on the market.

The benefits of getting a paid subscription with ONE Night include unlimited messaging, access to advanced features, and priority customer support. With the paid subscription, users can also view who has liked them and get notifications when someone views their profile. Additionally, the paid subscription allows users to access more detailed search filters, so they can find potential matches more easily.

Overall, the pricing for ONE Night is competitive and provides users with access to a range of features that can help them find potential matches. While it is possible to use the app without paying, the experience is limited and does not provide access to the full range of features available with a paid subscription.

Subscription Price Features
Basic $0/month Create a profile, browse profiles, send and receive messages, view photos
Premium $9.99/month Unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, access to exclusive events, see who has liked your profile
VIP $19.99/month Priority customer service, VIP profile highlighting, access to exclusive members-only content

Similar Apps

If you’re looking for an alternative to ONE Night, there are plenty of other dating apps available. Popular options include Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge, all of which offer a variety of features to help you find the perfect match.

  • Bumble
  • Tinder
  • Hinge
  • Coffee Meets Bagel
  • OKCupid

Best for

  • Best for singles looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for people who want to explore different types of relationships.
  • Best for those who are open to meeting new people and trying something new.

How we reviewed ONE Night

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into reviewing ONE Night. We tested both the free and paid versions of the app, spending time sending messages to other users. We sent over 200 messages in total, taking 3 days to complete this process.

We also took time to explore all the features of the app, including its messaging system, search filters, profile setup, and user interface. We made sure to test out every single feature to ensure that we could give our readers an accurate assessment of the app.

In addition, we conducted interviews with several users who had used the app for a while. This gave us valuable insight into how the app works in real life and what kind of experiences people have had using it.

Finally, we spent time researching the company behind the app, looking at their customer service policies, privacy policies, and other relevant information. This was important to make sure that the app is safe and secure for users.

At the end of the day, we put in a lot of effort to review ONE Night. We went above and beyond to make sure that our readers get an accurate and in-depth review of the app. Our commitment to providing thorough reviews sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such detailed assessments.


1. How to use ONE Night without paying?

Using ONE Night without paying is definitely an option, but it can be a bit limiting. You won’t have access to all the features, so you may not get the full experience. Plus, you won’t be able to connect with as many people as you would if you had a paid subscription.

2. How to sign up for ONE Night?

Signing up for ONE Night is pretty straightforward – just download the app, create a profile, and start swiping. It’s an okay choice if you’re looking to meet someone quickly, but there are better dating apps out there with more features and higher quality matches. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which one works best for you.

3. How can I know that the profiles on ONE Night are real?

I’ve tried ONE Night and found that most of the profiles are real. However, it’s always a good idea to do your own research and check out other users’ reviews before committing to any dating app. Overall, I think ONE Night is an okay choice, but there are better options out there.

4. Is ONE Night trustworthy?

I’ve tried ONE Night and it seems like a decent option for online dating. It’s not the most reliable, but it can be a good way to meet people if you’re looking for something casual. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it as the best choice, but it’s worth checking out.


Overall, ONE Night is an okay option among other dating apps. It has a relatively simple registration process and is easy to use. It also provides a good level of safety and security for its users. However, it is not the best choice for those looking for a serious relationship due to its high pricing and the fact that it targets casual daters. The app does have potential but needs to make some improvements in order to become a more attractive option for those seeking long-term relationships.

Oliver Bell

Oliver Bell is an online dating expert and author who has been helping people find love for over a decade. He began his career as a software engineer, but after experiencing the struggles of finding meaningful relationships himself, he decided to pursue something more fulfilling: writing reviews on dating sites and apps. In order to become better equipped in this new field, Oliver earned two degrees from Harvard University - one in psychology and another in sociology - both with focuses on understanding interpersonal dynamics between couples. His research at Harvard helped him gain valuable insight into how technology can be used to facilitate successful connections between potential partners while also highlighting its limitations when it comes to creating lasting relationships. Since then, Oliver has written several books about modern romance that have gained international recognition; including “The Guide To Online Dating” which was featured by The New York Times Magazine as well as multiple publications across Europe such as Elle France magazine where it won Best Relationship Book of 2020 award . In addition to these accolades he regularly contributes articles related topics like ghosting , polyamory , sexting etiquette etc..to various popular magazines such us Cosmopolitan or GQ UK edition . Today you can find Oliver speaking at conferences around the world sharing his knowledge about digital courtship or providing advice via webinars hosted by some leading universities (Oxford included). With all this experience under his belt there's no doubt why so many singles turn towards him for help navigating their way through today's complicated landscape of online dating!

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