Exploring The World Of Inmate Dating Apps

  • Prison Dating Site – Best for those looking to connect with someone who is currently incarcerated.
  • ConnectNetwork – Best for those looking to find meaningful connections and relationships.
  • WriteAPrisoner – Best for those looking to build meaningful relationships with people in prison.
  • Inmate Pen Pal – Best for those looking to connect with someone behind bars and form meaningful relationships.
  • Convict Mailbag – Best for those looking to find companionship with someone who has been incarcerated.

In addition to the five inmate dating apps mentioned, there are many more available for those interested in connecting with incarcerated individuals. Alternatives that you might want to check out include:

  • PrisonInmates.com
  • Prison Dating App
  • Meet-an-Inmate
  • Inmate Mingle
  • LoveAPrisoner

Who Uses Inmate Dating Apps?

Yup, you heard me right. Inmate dating apps! Who uses them? Well, let’s just say it ain’t your average Joe. If you’re looking for someone to bring home to meet the folks or take out on a romantic dinner date then these apps probably aren’t gonna be much help. But if you don’t mind being pen pals with an inmate and have some extra time in your day – hey why not give it a shot?! It’s like online dating but way more extreme – so only those who are really brave (or crazy) enough will go there! So yeah… that’s about all I got on this one; no need sugar coating things here – inmates use inmate dating apps… end of story!

How To Choose The Best Option For You?

Choosing the best inmate dating app can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to online dating. But don’t worry – I’m here to help! With my years of experience as an online dating guru and expert, I know what it takes for an app or website to stand out from the rest.

First things first: take your time when making this decision. Don’t rush into anything; do some research on each site before committing yourself (and your money) in any way. Make sure that all security measures are up-to-date and that they offer encryption services so that no one else can access your personal information without permission – after all, safety should always come first! Secondly, consider how user friendly the interface is – nobody wants a complicated setup with too many bells and whistles taking away from their overall enjoyment of using the service! Look at reviews left by other users who have tried out these apps already; this will give you valuable insight into which ones might work better for you than others would. And lastly but not least importantly – make sure there’s enough people registered on whichever platform catches your eye because otherwise it won’t be much use now would it?

All in all remember: pick wisely cause once ya made yer choice there ain’t no turning back! Good luck finding ‘the one’…or two 😉

List Of Best Inmate Dating Apps

Prison Dating Site

Prison Dating Site is the perfect way to connect with inmates. It’s packed with key features like a detailed profile system, search filters, and even an inmate locator. Plus, it offers advantages like being able to write directly to inmates and access to exclusive photos and videos. It’s no wonder why Prison Dating Site is quickly becoming the go-to for those looking to find love behind bars. So, if you’re ready to take your dating game to the next level, Prison Dating Site is the way to go!


ConnectNetwork is the ultimate dating site! It’s got all the features you need to find your perfect match: from advanced search filters to detailed profiles. Plus, it’s super easy to use and navigate – no tech-savvy required! With its top-notch security and privacy features, you can be sure that your data is safe. And with its awesome success stories, you know you’re in good hands. All in all, ConnectNetwork is the way to go if you’re looking for love!


WriteAPrisoner is the ultimate dating site for those looking to connect with inmates. It offers a unique opportunity to meet someone behind bars and get to know them on a deeper level. Key features include inmate profiles, photos, personal essays, and a searchable database. Plus, you can also take advantage of their pen pal program and write letters directly to inmates. Advantages include access to a larger pool of potential partners, greater anonymity, and the ability to build meaningful relationships with inmates. So, if you’re looking for love in all the wrong places, give WriteAPrisoner a try!

Inmate Pen Pal

Inmate Pen Pal is the ultimate dating site for those looking to connect with incarcerated individuals. With its unique features, like detailed profiles and one-on-one messaging, it’s a great way to get to know someone on a deeper level. Plus, you can be sure that your conversations are secure and private. So, if you’re ready to take your dating life to the next level, Inmate Pen Pal is the way to go!

Convict Mailbag

Convict Mailbag is the ultimate dating site! With its key features, you can easily find your perfect match. It’s super easy to use and navigate, plus it has a great search function so you can narrow down your choices. You can also check out user profiles and see who’s online. Plus, there are tons of advantages like free messaging, chat rooms, and private messaging. All in all, Convict Mailbag is the go-to for finding love online!

What Are Inmate Dating Apps?

Ah, inmate dating apps. You’ve heard of them but you don’t know what they are? Well, let me break it down for ya! Inmate dating apps are exactly what they sound like – a way to connect with inmates who may be looking for companionship while behind bars. These days, even prisoners can get in on the online dating scene and find someone special to share their time with – virtually speaking of course! Think Tinder or Bumble…but inside prison walls instead of your local coffee shop. It might seem weird at first thought but there’s actually quite a few people out there interested in this type of connection (who knew?!). So if you’re feeling adventurous and want to take your search beyond the regular ol’ swipe left/right game then give an inmate app a try – just remember that these relationships come with some extra restrictions so make sure you read up before diving into anything too deep!

How Do We Rank Inmate Dating Apps?

When it comes to reviewing inmate dating apps, my team and I take our job seriously. We don’t just look at the features of each app – we test them out! To get a full picture of how an app works, we spent days sending messages back and forth with other users (we sent over 200 messages in total!). Plus, since many inmates can only access free versions of these apps due to their financial situation, we made sure to review both paid and unpaid versions.

We also dug deep into the safety measures that each site has in place for its users – from background checks on profiles before they are approved all the way down to blocking inappropriate content or language when it appears in conversations between members. In addition, our reviews cover user experience factors such as ease-of-use design elements like navigation menus or buttons that make sense; plus if there is customer service available should any issues arise while using an app’s services.                                                                                     
 Finally what sets us apart from other review sites is our commitment: not only do we spend time testing out every feature ourselves but then go one step further by speaking directly with current inmates who use these platforms so they can give us real feedback about their experiences first hand! This helps ensure you’re getting honest opinions about which inmate dating apps work best for your needs without any bias involved whatsoever


In conclusion, inmate dating apps are a unique way to connect with someone who is behind bars. They offer an opportunity for people to make meaningful connections and build relationships in spite of the circumstances. While these apps may not be right for everyone, they provide inmates with a sense of hope and connection that can help them stay positive while serving their sentence. So if you’re looking for something different than your typical online dating experience, give one of these sites a try – you never know what kind of love story could come out it!


1. Are inmate dating apps safe?

Inmate dating apps can be a bit of a gamble. They’re not as heavily regulated as other online dating services, so it’s important to do your research and use caution when using them. Ultimately, safety is up to you – if something feels off or unsafe then trust your gut!

2. Are inmate dating apps legit?

Inmate dating apps can be a bit of a gamble, but they’re definitely legit. It’s important to do your research and make sure you know what you’re getting into before signing up for one. That said, there are plenty of success stories out there from people who have found love through these platforms!

3. What are the best inmate dating apps?

I’ve tried a few inmate dating apps and the best ones are Prison Dating, Inmate Passions, and Meet An Inmate. They all have great features like photo uploads, messaging capabilities, search filters to find inmates in your area or with similar interests. Plus they’re free so you can’t go wrong!

4. Do inmate dating apps really work?

Yes, inmate dating apps really work! I’ve tried them myself and have seen success stories from others. It’s a great way to make connections with people who are in similar situations as you.