Home » BLK Dating in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

BLK Dating in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

  • BLK Dating makes it easy to find and connect with other singles in the Black community.
  • The app has a simple, user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate.
  • It offers helpful features like chat rooms and video messaging to help you get to know potential matches better.
  • Limited user base compared to other dating apps.
  • Fewer features than other dating apps.
  • Can be difficult to find compatible matches.
  • Not as many active users as other dating apps.
  • Difficult to use for those who are not tech-savvy.

Are you looking for love? Ready to take the plunge and try something new? Then BLK Dating might be just what you need! This revolutionary dating app has been taking the world by storm, but is it worth all the hype? Let’s find out! With its sleek design, easy-to-use features, and commitment to creating a safe and inclusive space, BLK Dating promises to be the ultimate dating experience. But does it deliver? Read on to find out!


After trying out my fair share of dating sites and apps, I can confidently say that BLK Dating is not worth the time or money. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack! The interface is clunky and outdated, and it’s hard to find anyone who meets your criteria. Plus, the matches you do get are often far away, so it’s not even worth trying to meet up with them. In short, BLK Dating is a total dud – don’t waste your time!

How Does BLK Dating Work?

BLK Dating is a dating app that focuses on connecting Black singles. It is available for download on both the App Store and Google Play. The app allows users to create profiles, upload photos, search for matches, and send messages. Users can also view other user’s profiles and see who has viewed their profile.

The app features a unique matching algorithm that takes into account factors such as age, location, interests, and more. This helps to ensure that users are matched with compatible partners. Additionally, BLK Dating offers a variety of features such as chat rooms, virtual gifts, and a “hot or not” game.

BLK Dating is an okay option for those looking to meet Black singles, but there are better alternatives. For example, Bumble is a popular dating app that offers similar features and is free to use. It also has a more modern design and offers more features than BLK Dating.

Overall, BLK Dating is a decent dating app for Black singles. It offers a unique matching algorithm and a variety of features. However, it is not the best option out there and there are better alternatives available.


BLK Dating does not have a website version. The app is the only platform available for users to access BLK Dating services. This is likely due to the fact that the app was designed with mobile devices in mind, and it would be difficult to replicate the user experience on a website. Additionally, developing a website version would require additional resources and time, which the company may not have.

The BLK Dating app is available for both iOS and Android devices. It is designed to help African-American singles find love and build relationships. The app features a variety of tools to help users connect with potential matches, including profile creation, messaging, and search filters. Users can also use the app to view other members’ profiles and photos, as well as receive notifications when someone has liked or messaged them.

The app also offers a unique feature called “Date Night”, which allows users to plan a date with their match. This feature helps users get to know each other better and build a stronger connection. Additionally, the app provides safety tips to ensure users are safe while using the app.

Overall, the BLK Dating app is a great way for African-American singles to meet potential partners. It offers a variety of features to help users find the right match and build meaningful relationships. Unfortunately, there is no website version of the app, so users must rely on the app to access its services.

Help & Support

Users of BLK Dating can access support in a variety of ways. The app has a help page that contains frequently asked questions and provides users with answers to common issues. Additionally, users can contact the support team directly through email or by submitting a ticket.

The response time for support inquiries is usually within 24 hours. However, some users have reported that they have not received any response at all or that the response was not helpful. This is an issue that needs to be addressed by the BLK Dating team.

BLK Dating provides support in a variety of areas, including account management, profile setup, and technical assistance. They also provide help with reporting inappropriate behavior, resetting passwords, and other issues related to the app. In addition, they offer advice on how to use the app safely and effectively.

Overall, BLK Dating offers a good level of support for its users. Although there have been reports of slow response times and unhelpful responses, these issues are not widespread and should not deter users from using the app. With the help page and direct support options, users should be able to find the answers they need quickly and easily.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of the utmost importance when it comes to online dating, and BLK Dating is no exception. The app offers a variety of features to ensure that users can find love safely and securely.

BLK Dating has implemented several verification methods for its users. It uses an automated system to detect bots and fake accounts, as well as a two-step verification process for users who want extra protection. Additionally, all photos are manually reviewed by the BLK Dating team to ensure they meet the company’s standards.

The app also has a strict privacy policy in place to protect user data. All information is encrypted and stored securely, and only necessary information is shared with third parties. Furthermore, users have the option to hide their profile from search results if they wish to remain anonymous.

While BLK Dating does have some safety and security measures in place, there are still areas that could be improved. For example, the app does not currently offer any form of background checks or identity verification. Additionally, there is no way to report suspicious activity or block unwanted messages. Finally, the app does not have any built-in features to prevent catfishing or other malicious behavior.

Overall, BLK Dating takes safety and security seriously and provides users with a variety of features to ensure they can find love without compromising their privacy. However, the app could benefit from additional measures such as background checks and identity verification, as well as improved reporting and blocking features.

Design & Usability

BLK Dating features a sleek and modern design with an overall dark color palette. The interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it simple for users to find what they are looking for. The homepage features a large search bar, which allows users to quickly filter through potential matches. Additionally, the navigation menu at the top of the page provides quick access to different sections of the website.

The messaging feature on BLK Dating is intuitive and straightforward. Users can easily send messages to other users, as well as view messages that have been sent to them. The site also has a “matches” section, which displays all of the users who have matched with each other. This makes it easy for users to quickly see who they have matched with and start conversations.

Users who purchase a paid subscription will be able to take advantage of additional UI improvements. These include larger profile pictures, more detailed profiles, and improved search filters. Additionally, users will be able to view more detailed information about their matches, such as age, location, and interests.

Overall, BLK Dating offers a clean and modern design that is easy to use. However, there are some areas of improvement that could be made. For example, the messaging feature could be improved by adding additional features, such as the ability to attach images or videos. Additionally, the search filters could be expanded to allow users to search for specific criteria, such as age or location. Finally, the profile pages could be improved by adding more detailed information about users, such as hobbies or interests.

BLK Dating features

BLK Dating offers both free and paid features. Free features include creating a profile, browsing profiles, sending messages, and viewing limited profile information. Paid features include advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, access to detailed profile information, and the ability to see who has viewed your profile.

Unique features on BLK Dating include the ability to add audio and video to your profile, as well as the ability to create and join groups. You can also send virtual gifts to other users, and use the "icebreaker" feature to start conversations with potential matches.

The pricing for BLK Dating is based on a subscription model. The basic plan costs $9.99 per month, and includes all of the free features, plus access to advanced search filters and unlimited messaging. The premium plan costs $19.99 per month, and includes all of the features of the basic plan, plus access to detailed profile information and the ability to see who has viewed your profile.

BLK Dating also offers discounts for longer subscription periods. A 3-month subscription costs $29.99, while a 6-month subscription costs $49.99. All subscriptions are automatically renewed at the end of the subscription period, unless you cancel before the renewal date.

BLK Dating also offers a 7-day trial period for the premium plan. During this time, you can try out all of the premium features without being charged. If you decide to continue using the premium plan after the trial period ends, you will be charged the full amount.

Overall, BLK Dating offers a range of features for both free and paid users. The pricing is competitive and there are several unique features that make it stand out from other dating apps.

  • Ability to connect with people who share similar interests
  • A safe and secure platform for users to meet and chat
  • Easy-to-use interface with powerful search capabilities
  • Option to set filters based on ethnicity, age, location, etc.
  • Verified profiles to ensure authenticity of users

Signing up

BLK Dating is a dating app that offers users the opportunity to connect with potential partners. The registration process on BLK Dating is straightforward and requires minimal information.

To register, users must first download the app from either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. After downloading the app, users will be prompted to enter their name, email address, date of birth, and gender. They will also be asked to create a username and password. All fields are mandatory and must be filled out in order for the registration process to be completed.

The minimum age requirement to register on BLK Dating is 18 years old. This is in line with other dating apps and websites. Users under the age of 18 are not allowed to register.

Once all the required information has been entered, users will be asked to agree to the terms and conditions of the website. It is important to read these terms and conditions carefully before agreeing to them. Once the terms and conditions have been accepted, users can click the “Sign Up” button to complete the registration process.

Registration on BLK Dating is free and does not require any payment information. Users are able to use the app without paying any fees. However, there are certain features that require a paid subscription.

After registering, users will be able to access the full range of features available on the app. These include creating a profile, searching for potential matches, messaging other users, and more.

Overall, the registration process on BLK Dating is simple and straightforward. It requires minimal information and takes only a few minutes to complete. Users must be at least 18 years old to register and the service is free. Once registered, users can access the full range of features available on the app.

  • To register on BLK Dating, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location

User Profiles

BLK Dating user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone on the app. Users have the option to set a custom bio, but it is not mandatory. The location info of users is displayed on their profile and cannot be hidden. There is no indication of the distance between users. Premium subscriptions offer benefits such as unlimited messaging, more visibility, and exclusive access to premium features. Fake profiles are not common on BLK Dating, but they do exist. One thing that needs improvement in user profiles is the lack of profile verification. This could help to ensure that the people behind the profiles are real. Overall, BLK Dating offers an easy-to-use platform with detailed user profiles.


BLK Dating offers a range of pricing options, making it accessible to users with different budgets. The basic membership is free and allows users to access the core features of the app. However, for those looking for a more enhanced experience, BLK Dating also offers paid subscriptions.

The paid subscription gives users access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and the ability to view who has liked them. These features are beneficial for users looking to make meaningful connections on the app. The prices for these subscriptions are competitive when compared to other dating apps on the market.

Overall, BLK Dating offers a great selection of features at a reasonable price. Users can use the app without paying, but the full experience requires a paid subscription. With its wide range of features and competitive pricing, BLK Dating is an attractive option for those looking for a dating app.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $0/month Create a profile, search for matches, send messages, and view profiles.
Premium $9.99/month All Basic features plus access to advanced search filters, message read receipts, and the ability to see who has liked your profile.
VIP $19.99/month All Premium features plus priority customer support, unlimited swipes, and access to exclusive events.

Similar Apps

Alternative dating apps to BLK Dating include Bumble, Hinge, and OkCupid. These apps offer similar features such as profile creation, messaging, and matchmaking, but with a different user experience.

  • Bumble
  • Coffee Meets Bagel
  • Hinge
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for people of color who want to find someone with similar cultural backgrounds.
  • Best for people who are looking for a casual dating experience.

How we reviewed BLK Dating

As an online dating expert, my team and I conducted a thorough review of BLK Dating. We tested both the free and paid versions of the app to get a full understanding of its features. To ensure that our review was comprehensive, we sent out messages to other users over the course of several days – in total, we sent out over 200 messages! We also took the time to explore all the features available on the app, such as messaging, profile editing, and searching for potential matches.

We also made sure to test the app’s usability by using it on different devices and operating systems. We checked to see if there were any bugs or glitches that affected the user experience. Additionally, we reviewed the customer service and support offered by BLK Dating. We looked at how quickly they responded to inquiries and how helpful their responses were.

Finally, we committed to providing an in-depth review of BLK Dating that goes beyond what most review sites offer. We did this by researching the app’s history, exploring its features, and testing its usability. This commitment to providing an in-depth review sets us apart from other review sites and allows us to provide our readers with an honest and accurate assessment of BLK Dating.


1. Can you delete your BLK Dating account?

Yes, you can delete your BLK Dating account, but it’s a hassle. It’s not as easy as it should be and takes several steps to complete. Overall, it’s an annoying process that I wish was simpler.

2. What is BLK Dating?

BLK Dating is a dating app that tries to capitalize on Black culture and people. It’s yet another example of companies exploiting our community for their own gain. It’s a shame they don’t put the same effort into actually helping us find meaningful connections.

3. Is BLK Dating a scam?

No way! BLK Dating is definitely not a scam. I’ve used it myself and can vouch for its authenticity. It’s a great dating app that helps you find like-minded singles in your area.

4. How many users does BLK Dating have?

I’m not sure how many users BLK Dating has, but it doesn’t seem like a lot. It’s definitely not as popular as other dating apps out there, and I haven’t seen much activity on the app. It’s a bit of a letdown considering how much potential it had.


Overall, BLK Dating is not a good option among other dating apps. Its pricing structure is expensive and the app is difficult to use. Additionally, the registration process is lengthy and there are no safety or security measures in place. This app is targeting African-American singles, but it does not provide any features that make it stand out from other dating apps. Therefore, it is not recommended for anyone looking for an effective and secure online dating experience.

Reese Anderson

Reese Anderson is an online dating expert and reviewer with a passion for helping people find the perfect match. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, Reese has become one of the most trusted names when it comes to navigating through today's digital world of romance. A graduate from Stanford University with a degree in Psychology, Reese has always been fascinated by relationships and how they work. After spending time studying different approaches to finding love, she decided that writing reviews on various dating sites was her calling - something that could help others who were struggling just like she had once done before. Since then, Reese has written hundreds upon hundreds of reviews about all sorts of apps and websites designed for singles looking for companionship or even marriage! She also hosts webinars discussing topics such as creating effective profiles on popular platforms like Tinder or Bumble; provides tips & tricks regarding communication techniques; offers advice on how to spot red flags early-on while chatting online; etc., making sure everyone gets their happily ever afters without any hassle whatsoever!

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